If you have no access to fancy gym equipment for working on your glutes at home, fear not! You only need a simple bench or platform for an excellent glute workout.

And even if you have all the latest glute gear, incorporating bench-based exercises can add some spice to your routine and keep things interesting.

Today, let’s explore some top-notch glute exercises using a bench, and I’ll guide you through a workout incorporating these moves.


Before diving into the exercises, let’s review the basics of glute anatomy and what these muscles do.

The glutes have three main muscles:

1. Gluteus Maximus: This big guy primarily gives your booty its shape. It works to extend your hip, essentially moving your thigh away from your hip.

2. Gluteus Medius: Smaller than the maximus but still essential, the medius sits atop and to the sides of the maximus. It helps move your leg out to the side (abduction) and rotate your hip internally and externally.

3. Gluteus Minimus: The smallest of the trio, the minimus partners up with the medius to assist with hip abduction and rotation.

These muscles stabilise your hips and play a crucial role in daily activities like walking, running, and bending. It’s not just about functionality; if you aim for a plump, shapely booty, you can’t overlook these smaller glute muscles.

By incorporating bench-based exercises, you can target these muscles effectively, ensuring a well-rounded workout that keeps your glutes strong and your routine fresh. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!


Now that we understand glute anatomy and each glute muscle’s functions, let’s explore some top-notch bench glute exercises.


Let’s kick things off with the queen of glute-building exercises, the mighty hip thrust. Developed by glute expert Bret Contreras in 2006, the hip thrust has become a cornerstone in many glute-building routines.

As you push your hips upward against resistance, the glute Maximus come into play, extending the hip and generating a powerful contraction. The high level of muscle activation, coupled with resistance directly targeting the muscle, provides a unique stimulus for muscle growth.

  1. STEP UP

Seemingly straightforward, the step-up is an exercise to be considered. A 2020 study comparing glute activation among popular glute-building exercises found that the step-up elicited the highest glute activation compared to other exercises tested.

While high glute activation doesn’t necessarily equate to superior muscle growth, research indicates a correlation. Therefore, incorporating step-ups into your routine makes sense.

During step-ups, the glute maximal extends the hip as you ascend onto the bench. At the same time, the unilateral nature of the exercise recruits the medius and minimus to stabilise the hip.


Another powerhouse in glute development, the Bulgarian split squat introduces instability with its single-leg nature. This instability forces the glute muscles to work together to stabilise and balance the body throughout the movement.

As you descend into the squat, the glute maximal experiences a deep stretch, providing a unique stimulus for muscle growth. The maximas then work hard to propel you back to the starting position.


A lesser-known gem in booty-building, reverse hyperextension targets the glutes and engages the hamstrings and lower back muscles. This makes it a comprehensive exercise for the posterior chain.

By lifting your legs against gravity, the glute maximal extends the hips while contracting intensely at the movement’s top. The low-impact nature of this exercise makes it suitable for those recovering from injury or looking to give their lower back a break from heavy loads.


This Romanian deadlift (RDL) variation adds a twist using a bench. Like the b-stance RDL, only one side of the body works at a time, with the resting foot placed on the bench for support.

Not only does this exercise target the glutes effectively, but it also strengthens the hamstrings, contributing to a well-rounded lower body. The bench’s support allows for better focus on the targeted leg, improving the mind-muscle connection, especially for those struggling to feel their glutes working during exercises.


A classic cable glute exercise, the kickback can also be performed on a bench. The kickback effectively isolates and activates the glutes using a cable machine or a bench.

As you extend your leg backwards, the glute maximas are heavily engaged, while the medius and minimus assist in maintaining balance and stability throughout the movement.

Once you’ve mastered the bodyweight version, you can progress by adding a dumbbell between your calf and hamstring to challenge your glutes further and continue your progress.


Now that we’ve explored some top bench-based glute exercises, let’s put them all into action with a workout you can try on your next glute day.

We’ve put together two different workout routines for you to experiment with. Give them a shot and share your experience with us!


Exercise/Sets and Reps

Hip Thrust

Four sets of 8-10 reps

Bulgarian Split Squat

Four sets of 8-10 reps per leg

Reverse Hyperextensions

Four sets of 10-15 reps

Bench Glute Kickback

Three sets of 12-15 reps per leg


Exercise/Sets and Reps

Hip Thrust

Four sets of 8-10 reps

Bench Romanian Deadlift

Four sets of 8-10 reps per leg

Step Ups

Three sets of 10-12 reps per leg

Bench Glute Kickback

Three sets of 12-15 reps per leg

These workouts are designed to be challenging. If you’re new to lifting, we suggest starting with your body weight as resistance. Once you’ve mastered the form and can complete the sets and reps outlined, then you can progress to using weights.

For those at an intermediate or advanced level, adding resistance is recommended. We suggest using dumbbells, which can be utilised for all the exercises in our workout routine.

If you don’t already have dumbbells, consider investing in adjustable ones. They offer the flexibility to adjust resistance without needing various weights, making them a convenient option for home glute workouts.


Here, it is a lineup of top bench glute exercises and two workout routines to experiment with. You’re still set for an effective glute workout if you lack fancy gym gear but own a workout bench.

Like any exercise plan, aim for a gradual intensity increase to keep progressing and ensure your body gets the right fuel to grow stronger. That’s the winning formula. Have fun!

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