Many people use squats, deadlifts, and lunges to build their glutes when working their glutes.

For years, squats have been hailed as the top exercise for booty building. But what if another exercise is just as effective, if not better, for building those glutes?

Enter the Hip Thrust

The hip thrust was created in 2006 by Bret Contreras, also known as ‘The Glute Guy.’ He’s an expert in glute training and has delved into the science behind it for years.

Initially, performing the hip thrust meant setting up a bench and using a barbell, which could be a hassle. However, manufacturers developed dedicated hip thrust machines to make things easier as the exercise gained popularity.

Today, we’ll dive into this exercise’s benefits, variations, and how-tos, so stay tuned…

 What are the Glutes?

The glutes, or buttocks, are a set of three muscles found in your backside. They include the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus.

The gluteus maximus, the most significant muscle, is situated superficially and aids in extending the hip (moving your leg backward) and externally rotating the thigh (turning it outward).

Next is the gluteus medius, the second largest muscle, located above and to the side of the maximus. It helps lift the leg away from the body (abduction) and external rotation.

Lastly, the gluteus minimus, the tiniest muscle, assists in abduction and external rotation.

These muscles stabilize your hips and spine, enabling you to move your legs in various directions.

Your glutes are vital muscles, not just for movement but also for maintaining the health of your spine and hips. Neglecting them could increase your risk of back pain and other health issues.

Hip Thrust Machine

The hip thrust machine is a specially designed equipment that simplifies the process of performing hip thrust exercises, which are excellent for targeting and strengthening the glutes.

Unlike the traditional setup with a barbell and bench, the hip thrust machine offers greater ease and support. Its cushioned pad and adjustable settings provide optimal comfort and stability for effective glute workouts.

How to use the Hip Thrust Machine

Using the hip thrust machine is more straightforward than using a barbell.

  • Begin by positioning your shoulders on the padded pad and your feet on the footplate. Finding the correct foot placement may take some trial and error. If your feet are too low, you’ll feel it more in your quads. Your hamstrings will do most of the work if they’re too high. Aim for the optimal position where your glutes are the primary muscles engaged.
  • Next, secure the belt around your hips and fasten it securely.
  • Push through your heels to lift your hips upward, keeping your feet and shoulders stationary.
  • You’ve reached the movement’s top when your thighs are parallel to the ground. Lower yourself back down slowly to the starting position.
  • Remember to maintain control throughout the exercise and focus on engaging your glutes. Adjustments may be needed to find the perfect foot placement for maximum effectiveness.


When we do hip thrusts, we aim to strengthen our glutes. To achieve the best results, performing the exercise correctly is crucial. Here are some tips to optimize your hip thrust machine workout:

1. Maintain proper form: Ensure your shoulder blades are firmly against the pad, push through your heels, and keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement. Utilize a full range of motion to maximize muscle growth.

2. Focus on quality over quantity: Take time with each repetition and concentrate on squeezing your glutes at the movement’s top. This will enhance the effectiveness of each rep rather than rushing through them.

3. Avoid arching your back: Keep your spine neutral throughout the exercise, and avoid overextending your back at the top. This will help prevent strain on your lower back and reduce the risk of injuries.

4. Gradually increase weight: Start with lighter weights and gradually add more weight as you become more proficient in the exercise. The goal is progressively improving your strength to continue building muscle, a principle known as progressive overload.


No worries if you don’t have access to a hip thrust machine! There are still plenty of ways to target and strengthen your glutes. Here are some alternatives for working those muscles:

1. Glute Bridges: 

This exercise is similar to hip thrusts, but you can do it without equipment. Simply lie on your back and lift your hips towards the ceiling while squeezing your glutes at the top. It’s a versatile exercise suitable for all fitness levels. To make it more challenging, add weight on your hips for resistance.

2. Barbell Hip Thrusts

 If you have a barbell and weight plates, you can replicate the hip thrust machine using a barbell. This advanced version of the glute bridge adds resistance with a barbell. Place the barbell across your hips and shoulders on a bench, and lift your hips towards the ceiling, squeezing at the top. Adjust the weight according to your strength level.

3. Banded Hip Thrusts:

This exercise utilizes a resistance band to provide progressive resistance. The resistance increases as you move, especially at the top, where glute activation is highest. Secure the resistance band around your waist and anchor it to a sturdy object on the floor. Proceed with the exercise as usual.

4. Dumbbell Hip Thrusts

It is similar to barbell hip thrusts but using dumbbells instead. You can use one or two dumbbells, depending on your strength. It’s an excellent alternative to the machine hip thrust, and it’s also beneficial for practicing the movement pattern before progressing to heavier weights.


Your glutes are some of the strongest muscles in your body and play a crucial role in many everyday movements. Strengthening your glutes can enhance your balance, coordination, and posture. Moreover, robust glutes stabilize your hips and support you during squats, deadlifts, and lunges.

Ensuring strong glutes is vital for preventing injuries. Weak glute muscles can lead to poor posture, which may cause hip or lower back pain. They can also contribute to knee discomfort by affecting hip and pelvic stability. Keeping your glutes strong is essential to avoid such injuries.

Additionally, having powerful glutes makes it easier to perform daily activities such as climbing stairs, lifting objects, walking, and running. These actions demand strength and stability from your glutes, highlighting the importance of maintaining their fitness.

Lastly, training your glutes is not just about function but also aesthetics. Selecting appropriate glute exercises is crucial for building strength and enhancing the size of your buttocks. A well-designed glute training regimen can sculpt a firm, shapely rear end that many aspire to achieve. Combining upper and lower glute exercises will help you achieve your desired results.


Having solid glutes is vital for overall health and injury prevention.

The hip thrust exercise has gained immense popularity recently for its effectiveness in targeting and strengthening the glutes.

Manufacturers have responded to this popularity by designing specialized machines, making the workout more convenient. These machines eliminate the hassle of setting up benches and maneuvering barbells, simplifying the exercise process.

Hip thrust machines come in various designs, but all serve the same purpose. They offer a straightforward yet effective solution with a cushioned pad for your shoulder blades, a place for your feet, and a hip belt.

If your gym has a hip thrust machine, take advantage of it. It’s the ultimate exercise for developing strength and size in your glutes!

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