Building muscle is quite the challenge. We put in long hours at the gym, spend more time than we’d prefer in the kitchen, and dedicate ample time to eating, all in hopes of gaining muscle mass.

We all understand the importance of diet; the key to building muscle is consuming more calories than you burn, essentially, being in a calorie surplus.

Setting aside the dietary aspect, if supplements could aid us in this journey, it’s wise to take advantage of them – every bit of help counts!

A quick search online for the top muscle-building supplements presents many options claiming to enhance muscle mass. Still, the reality is that many are just marketing strategies.

With such a vast array of products available, it’s challenging to discern which ones truly assist muscle building and which ones to steer clear of.

Fortunately, we’ve narrowed it down to the top 5 muscle-building supplements.

If you adhere to a vegan diet, these articles are tailored for you:

1. Optimal vegan supplements for muscle growth

2. Premium Vegan Protein Powders


Let’s get straight to the point; here are the supplements worth investing in for your muscle-building expedition.


Creatine stands out as one of the most popular supplements for gaining muscle.

In the body, creatine comprises the amino acids L-arginine, glycine, and methionine. It’s synthesized in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

During intense, short bursts of activity like weightlifting, ATP serves as the energy source for muscles. As you work out, ATP is depleted, decreasing energy for lifts. Creatine binds with a phosphate molecule to replenish ATP levels, providing more power for high-intensity exercises and allowing for more repetitions.

Studies indicate that supplementing with creatine can boost muscle levels by up to 50%. However, the effectiveness of creatine supplementation depends on various factors such as muscle fiber properties, intramuscular creatine levels, and dietary intake of creatine.

Numerous research findings suggest that creatine supplementation significantly improves strength, fat-free mass, and performance in high-intensity exercises.

In a study examining the impact of creatine supplementation on muscular performance during repeated high-intensity exercise training, participants were divided into two groups: one taking creatine supplements and the other a placebo. The group supplementing with creatine demonstrated notable enhancements in peak power output across all jump squats and bench presses.

Aside from strength gains, creatine supplementation may offer other benefits like injury prevention, rehabilitation, and post-exercise recovery.

Furthermore, creatine supplementation has been shown to elevate insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels, a critical hormone involved in muscle growth.

Creatine ranks among the most extensively researched supplements available today. It’s the top choice for enhancing power output and increasing muscle mass.


Ask any regular gym attendee about an indispensable supplement for bodybuilding, and they’re likely to mention whey protein, and for good reason.

Whey protein is esteemed for its high-quality protein content, particularly rich in essential amino acids, notably leucine.

Given that amino acids serve as the building blocks of muscle, ensuring an adequate intake of amino acids through diet is vital for muscle growth.

Moreover, whey protein is rapidly absorbed by the body. Consuming a shake post-workout can jumpstart the muscle-building process and aid in repairing muscles broken down during exercise.

Studies suggest that whey protein stimulates muscle protein synthesis to a greater extent than other proteins like casein and soy, making it the preferred choice for a protein supplement.

Meeting daily protein requirements is crucial for muscle gain. Sometimes, hitting these targets can be challenging, especially after being sedentary. A protein shake offers an affordable means to work towards your daily protein goal, with some brands boasting a protein content as high as 90%, providing a substantial 25 grams of protein per scoop.

A systematic review of the effects of protein supplementation on muscle mass gains induced by resistance training concluded that protein supplementation significantly enhances changes in muscle strength and size during prolonged resistance training in healthy adults.

Bonus Tip: Opting for milk instead of water in your protein shake can add 125 calories and 9 grams of protein.


Beta-Alanine is an amino acid that the body can make on its own. It helps produce a substance called carnosine, which the muscles store.

Increasing the carnosine levels in muscles can improve how well the muscles can handle acidity during intense exercise. This means we can push ourselves harder during workouts because we’re not getting tired as quickly.

A study from 2007 discovered that taking beta-alanine supplements for ten weeks increased muscle carnosine levels by as much as 80%! The same study found a 13% increase in overall workout performance after just four weeks of using beta-alanine, with an additional 3% improvement after ten weeks.


Building muscle requires consuming more calories than you burn – easier said than done, right?

Weight gainer shakes are a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fats all in one drink, designed to help you consume more calories. They’re packed with calories, sometimes over 1000 per serving, enabling you to get into that calorie surplus needed for muscle growth.

These weight-gainer shakes don’t have any magical muscle-building powers; they simply help you increase your calorie intake. If you were to eat regular food with the same nutrients, you’d likely see similar muscle gains.

However, these shakes are helpful when eating solid food isn’t practical. For example, during a busy work meeting, chowing down on a chicken and rice meal takes work, but sipping on a shake is much more manageable. Or if you’re on a long road trip, having a weight gainer shake is a convenient way to get those extra calories in.


Caffeine is a natural substance found in around 60 different plants, including:

  • Coffee beans
  • Tea leaves
  • Cocoa pods
  • Kola nuts

Many of us rely on our morning cup of coffee to kickstart our day, but we may need to realize the positive impact it can have on our workouts.

In a study conducted in 2019 with members of the Spanish national team, participants were split into two groups. One group received caffeine before their session, while the other group received a placebo (a substance with no effect). The results showed that those with caffeine experienced increased power output and better anaerobic performance, great news for muscle building.

Another study in 2017 looked at how caffeine affects fatigue. The findings revealed that those who consumed caffeine before exercise had up to a 12% increase in ‘Time to exhaustion’ and reported feeling less tired. If this means we can squeeze out a few extra reps, then it’s worth considering.

In another study from 2017, researchers assessed how caffeine impacts muscular strength and power, endurance, perceived exertion, and pain perception in men who regularly resistance train. The results showed that those who had caffeine increased their back squat and bench press one-rep max. They also reported feeling less tired during their workouts.

Progressive overload, arguably the second most crucial factor for muscle growth, becomes more accessible with caffeine. If caffeine can help us fight fatigue, increase power, and recover faster from exercise, then we can progress each week.

You don’t necessarily need to rush out and buy caffeine supplements. While it’s a common ingredient in many pre-workout supplements, a simple cup of coffee can do just fine!


Supplements alone won’t magically build you a muscular physique. Firstly, your diet must be balanced and consume more calories than you burn to gain muscle. Secondly, you need a well-structured training program that focuses on progressive overload.

Once you have these two aspects in place, then you can consider supplements to give you an extra boost on your muscle-building journey.

Are you currently trying to build muscle? If so, what do you find most challenging? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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