When you want to bulk up and get stronger fast, focus on a few key things for muscle growth.

1. Eating more on days you work out.

2. Getting stronger.

3. Gradually increase the difficulty of your workouts.

But there’s one more thing you can do to supercharge your muscle gains: use supplements.

Walk into any supplement store, and you’ll see shelves stacked with options. From protein powders to fancy herbs, it’s overwhelming.

Unfortunately, most of these supplements are a good use of money.

You might wonder, “But aren’t weight gainers and testosterone boosters supposed to help me build muscle?”

Well, yes and no.

Weight gainers cram a ton of calories into one shake. But overloading on calories like that leads to fat gain, not muscle growth. Your body can only build so much muscle naturally, no matter how much protein you eat.

And as for testosterone boosters, they sound promising, but they will make a small difference. Sure, they might bump your testosterone levels slightly, but not enough to make a noticeable impact on muscle building.

Instead of wasting your money on useless supplements, invest in these three proven options that work if you want to bulk up.



Regarding packing on muscle, protein powder is one of the best tools in your arsenal.

It’s pretty straightforward: protein is essential for building muscle mass.

Experts recommend aiming for 1.8-2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. Despite what some might say, studies have shown that consuming more than this doesn’t lead to better results over time.

For example, if you weigh 90 kilograms, you’d want to aim for around 160-180 grams of protein daily. Going beyond that won’t speed up your muscle gains because your body has its limits.

While you can get protein from foods like chicken, turkey, beef, and fish, hitting your daily target can be challenging for some. That’s where protein powders come in handy. Just add 25 grams of protein to your diet quickly and easily.

With so many risks, checking the nutrition label and ingredient list is important. For the best quality, look for low cholesterol and whey isolate as primary ingredients.

The most popular types of protein powder include whey protein, great for post-workout shakes due to its fast absorption; casein protein, ideal for bedtime or between meals because it absorbs slowly; and plant-based protein for vegans or those who prefer a non-dairy option.

Not only are protein shakes convenient and effective, but they’re also budget-friendly. You can meet your protein goals without spending. Regarding affordability, here are three of the cheapest protein shakes available.


Creatine is one of the most researched supplements around. But do you know what it does, aside from holding onto water?

First things first, creatine isn’t a steroid or a hormone. And it won’t magically build muscle for you.

So what does it do? Think of it as boosting your muscle’s fuel tank.

Here’s the scoop: When you exercise, your muscles contract with a compound called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Once ATP is used up, it becomes Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP), which is only helpful once turned back into ATP.

Converting ADP back into ATP limits how many reps you can do. When your ATP levels drop, your muscles run out of “gas” to keep lifting.

That’s where creatine comes in. It floods your muscles with the stuff they need to turn ADP back into ATP, giving you a bigger fuel tank and allowing you to pump out more reps.

Some folks swear by loading up on double the dose for a week, but it’s just money down the drain. Stick to the recommended 5 grams of creatine monohydrate per day. You’ll hold onto more of it and won’t have to choke down extra powder.

As for when to take it, you don’t need to get fancy. Sure, some people mix it with grape juice to boost absorption, but there’s no solid evidence. Just toss it into your post-workout shake or take it with water whenever possible. The downside of regular creatine monohydrate is that it doesn’t dissolve well in liquids. If that bugs you, go for micronised creatine monohydrate. It works just as effectively and mixes much more easily.

And here’s a bonus: Creatine isn’t just for bulking up. It can also be useful during a fat-loss phase since it gives you the energy to power through tough workouts.


We are looking for an inexpensive way to boost your workouts. Consider caffeine. While many use it to kickstart their mornings, caffeine can also aid muscle growth.

In the gym, strength is key. Being able to lift heavier weights means more muscle stress, which translates to muscle growth.

Studies have found that caffeine can enhance the strength of trained athletes during weightlifting sessions. For example, research on highly trained male athletes showed a notable performance improvement in chest presses after consuming caffeine.

  • When to take it:

Caffeine can hit your system within 15 to 45 minutes of consumption, peaking about an hour later. Consider having a cup of coffee or your pre-workout drink about an hour before your gym session for maximum benefit.

  • Cycling caffeine:

After four weeks of regular caffeine intake, its performance benefits tend to diminish. If you’re a regular coffee or energy drink consumer, consider cycling off for a week every month. This break can help amplify the effects when you resume your caffeine habit.


By incorporating these three effective supplements into your strength-focused workout routine, you can expect to build lean muscle mass without adding unwanted fat.

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