There have been so many leg exercises introduced in the last 50 years. While some are good, most can be replaced with just a few better ones.

Three main leg muscle groups are quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. They all need different training to grow well. Below are the best leg exercises for getting more giant legs, starting with the most effective one, the back squat.



Often called one of the best exercises ever, back squats can help your quadriceps and hamstrings grow.

There are two main ways to do back squats: high-bar and low-bar.

A high-bar back squat has you put the bar on your traps and keep your upper body straight. This lets you squat very low, stretching your quads deeply.

This stretch with weight is a big reason muscles grow. Also, by staying straight, your quads get more work because your back and hamstrings don’t help as much. This squat is suitable for bodybuilders and athletes.

Low-bar back squats can hold a lot of weight and are used by powerlifters. The bar sits lower on your back, making your body lean forward. This lets other strong muscles, like your back and glutes, help more. It’s still good for big legs but can be challenging if you’re not flexible.

You can do back squats with different weights for different effects. Heavy sets of 3-6 reps are good for strength.

Sets of 6-12 reps help build size and strength, and they are great for bodybuilders and powerlifters.

Finally, sets of 15-20 reps are suitable for growing muscles and building mental toughness.

Back squats should be in every workout because they’re great for your legs, no matter how you do them!


Front squats, like back squats, are great for building leg muscles.

In a front squat, the bar sits on your front shoulders with your arms crossed or in a clean catch position. This makes you stay straight, or else you might drop the bar.

Front squats work your quads because your back and hamstrings don’t help much. You can also squat lower with front squats, which makes your muscles work harder and grow more.

A cool thing about front squats is they also help your upper back and core because you need to stay stable.

Use front squats as a second squat exercise when you don’t do back squats. Because of how you hold the bar, it’s hard to do more than 12 reps without your back getting tired. So, do 5-8 reps with a few sets to work your legs well.


People in powerlifting might not like the leg press, but it’s suitable for making your legs big.

The leg press lets your quads work hard without your other, weaker muscles getting in the way. This is good because it gives your lower back a break after heavy deadlifts.

You can go heavy on the leg press, but it’s also good for doing many reps. Dr. Mike Israetel, who started Renaissance Periodization, says you can do up to 20 reps on machines for your quads.

Another way to do the leg press is with sumo leg presses. You put your feet on the sled so only your heels touch the top corners. Then, you do leg presses like usual, going as low as you can safely. This targets your hamstrings and can help you grow. Do higher reps (12-20) and go slow to feel the burn!


Leg extensions sometimes get a bad rap, just like leg presses. Some people say they’re bad for your knees.

But they’re actually perfect for working just your quads! Leg extensions are ideal for finishing your leg workout with lots of reps. They give your quads a significant pump, and you can push them to the limit with drop sets and partial reps.

Remember, though, it’s not just about leg extensions. You need to get stronger with big lifts to grow your legs.


The Romanian Deadlift is a must-do for bodybuilders and athletes. It’s like a regular deadlift but focuses more on your hamstrings.

When you do a Romanian Deadlift, you bend your hips back until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Then, you stand up by squeezing your hamstrings and glutes. This is good for making your hamstrings bigger because it stretches them and works the hip extension movement they’re responsible for.

You can lift heavy weights with Romanian Deadlifts because your hamstrings can handle it. Being able to lift more weight helps you get bigger muscles. You can do these with heavy weights or more reps since hamstrings have fast and slow muscles.


The leg curl is another excellent way to work your hamstrings. It focuses on a part of your hamstrings that Romanian Deadlifts don’t hit.

Your hamstrings have two parts that do different things. We already talked about one part with Romanian deadlifts.

But, the other part, especially the short head, helps bend your knees. That’s why leg curls are so crucial for a balanced workout. They make sure your hamstrings grow all over. Do them with 6-20 reps, and try partial reps at the end to feel the burn!


If you check out any gym, you’ll notice many people with small calves. Many folks blame their genes for this.

But having big calves can make you stand out. Calves are tricky to work because you use them often when walking. So, you need special techniques to make them grow well.

Calves are two different muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The standing exercises work the gastrocnemius, while the seated ones target the soleus. You need to do both types to get the best results.

When you do calf raises, go slow and stretch down. This ensures your calves get a good workout without just bouncing the weight around. Aim for 8-20 reps, and try doing slow reps with a 10-second pause at the bottom. This trick, from Dante Trudel, can even help stubborn calves grow.


Getting great legs takes a lot of hard work. Many people skip leg day, but strong legs are a real sign of a dedicated lifter. Following the tips above, you’ll slowly build impressive leg muscles to stand out in the crowd!

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